
The Church: The Gospel Made Visible is unavailable, but you can change that!

Christians face lots of practical questions when it comes to life in the local church: How is the gospel displayed in our lives together? What are we supposed to do and believe? Different followers answer differently—even as they preach the same gospel! What should we think about such differences? A church’s life, doctrine, worship, and even polity are important issues. Yet they are so rarely...

fullness of the mystery of God in redemption is disclosed among his people.”2 The church arises only from the gospel. And a distorted church usually coincides with a distorted gospel. Whether it leads to such distortions or results from them, serious departures from the Bible’s teaching about the church normally signify other, more central misunderstandings about the Christian faith.3 This is not to say that all differences in ecclesiology are tantamount to differences over the gospel itself. Honest
Pages x–xi